How To Make Your Own Banner Free Online

How To Make Your Own Banner Free Online

In this post How To Make Your Own Banner Free Online, I will show you several different ways how to create free banners.  If you want to know how to create professional-looking, eye-catching banners for free, then keep reading.  I will also show you a few places to put your banner if you want more traffic to your website.

How To Make Your Own Banner Free Online Easily

The first way I want to show you is what I believe to be the easiest way to make your own banner free online.

You can check out the program I am talking about here:

This program makes it easy to create professional-looking, eye-catching banners.
You point… you click… you are done!

Join this program for free and you will get:

* A point and click three-step wizard that makes it easy to create high performing banners, buttons, peel ads, headers, and footers.

* High converting templates, clip art, fonts, and everything you need to create great graphics. All you have to do is just drag and drop them onto the
templates, save and you are done!

* They even host your banners and graphics for you so you will not need your own website.

You can also use it to make your own splash pages.

Here are just a few banners I have created using this program:

make your own banner free online

make your own banner free online

make your own banner free online

You do not have to know Photoshop, Flash, or anything more complicated than operating a web browser to design high-performing banners, buttons, headers etc.

For more information on what you can do with this program, watch the videos and
screenshots at the site below:

How To Create Free Banners Using Microsoft Paint

With this method, you will need someplace to upload your banner. You can get a free website here:

If you have Microsoft Windows then you more than likely have Microsoft Paint or Paint 3D. You can find it by typing it in your search bar.

In Microsoft Paint click on Resize to create the size of the banner you want. Click on Pixels and make sure you uncheck Maintain Aspect Ratio so it doesn’t affect your resizing.

how to create free banners

To change the background color click on the paint bucket, then click the color you want for your background. Place the paint bucket over your banner and click.

how to create free banners


To add text simply click on the text icon, drag the little squares to make the text area bigger, then decide what size and font family to use and type the text into your banner:

how to create free banners

Then simply save the banner and upload it to your website.

Tip: You can edit it with Paint 3D and add graphics to make it more eye-catching.

How To Make Your Own Banner Free Online With BannerSnack

BannerSnack is another easy way to make your own banner free online. You can watch their video here:

I won’t go into how to make banners with BannerSnack as it shows you how to in the video.

If you want to use BannerSnack to make your banners, go to

Get More Traffic With Banner Advertising

Once you have made your banner you may want to use it to get more traffic to your website.

One of the best places to do this is at the link below:

Once you add your banner to BOB and add impressions, it will display your banner over many different websites.

You can earn impressions by surfing or using the banner exchange code or you can buy impressions.  They also have an upgrade that is pretty cheap which gives you a lot of impressions and more banner views.

Another place to put your banner and have it go viral is here:

our Banner will Go out to Traffic Exchanges, Super Solo Networks, Text Ad Exchanges, Credit Safelists, List-Builders, Blasters and Viral List Builders.

You can also get detailed statistics so you know where your banner ad is getting results from.

Other places to promote your banners for free are on traffic exchanges, viral mailers, safelists and social media sites.


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